Infringements, the EU Commission decides to close seven procedures

9 February 2022

The number of infringement procedures against Italy has dropped to 103 following the European Commission's decision on 9 February 2022 to close seven infringement cases.

Six cases concern EU directives that had not yet been transposed into Italian law. Among the directives closed by the Commission are rules on the exercise of copyright, the promotion of clean and energy-efficient road transport vehicles, open data and re-use of public sector information, as well as the exemption on the use of certain compounds of lead and hexavalent chromium in electrical and electronic initiators of explosives for professional civilian use. One case concerned the incorrect application of the directive on the development of the Community's railways.

The environment remains the sector with the highest incidence of infringements (19% of the total). Further down, economic and financial affairs (15 cases) and transport and justice (9).

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