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Hearing of Giorgio Anselmi and Luisa Trumellini, President and Secretary of the Movimento Federalista Europeo

4 June 2021

Hearing of Giorgio Anselmi, President of the Movimento Federalista Europeo, and Luisa Trumellini, Secretary of the Movimento Federalista Europeo

Hearing summary

Representatives of the Movimento Federalista Europeo - MFE (European Federalist Movement), President Giorgio Anselmi and Secretary General Luisa Trumellini, presented a thorough proposal in support of a federal Europe.
The Conference on the Future of Europe is an extraordinary opportunity to reopen the debate on institutional reforms and review the Lisbon Treaty. Only by reforming the Treaties will the Union be able to take that decisive step towards a federal Constitution and structure. A prerequisite is the broad participation of citizens, intermediate bodies and all local and regional authorities.
The Federalist Movement, with its one hundred sections, will fight to achieve this goal.
The Lisbon Treaty has strengthened the legislative role of the European Parliament, but has failed to create a true economic and political union. The Movement is convinced that at the present moment in history the right conditions are in place for the European Union to achieve such a goal. Key steps will be the allocation of fiscal matters competence and the strengthening of a common foreign policy capable of promoting Europe's strategic interests.

In this respect, there is convergence between various components of the European Parliament and some Member States.
The Conference allows for a bottom-up mobilisation process, starting from the territories also thanks to the support of political and social forces. Through its widespread network, The Movement will be able to involve the different realities.
Furthermore, the multilingual digital platform is a formidable infrastructure to channel the requests for change that the various components of civil society intend to address to the Conference bodies.


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