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Once Only Technical System

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From 12 December 2023, the procedures provided for in the Digital Single Window have to be made available entirely online on the basis of the technical system for the automated cross-border exchange of tests and the application of the Once Only Technical System (OOTS) under Commission Implementing Regulation 2022/1463

What happens from December 2023? 

EU citizens and businesses face considerable difficulties when dealing with cross-border situations that require different bureaucratic procedures (e.g. moving to study or work in another Member State, doing business in the EU).

The objective of the "Once Only" system is to reduce administrative barriers and costs, allowing the cross-border sharing of information between public administrations in EU countries. 

The system implements the "once only" principle, according to which citizens and businesses provide their data only once to public authorities and public authorities can dialogue and exchange official data and documents at the user's request. 

The creation of the Once Only Technical System helps to make the single market more efficient through the creation of a common European data space. In order to become a reality, OOTS will operate under the Single Digital Gateway Regulation, which allows it to enjoy a cross-border digital infrastructure, the Your Europe portal, which provides support by providing information to citizens and businesses of Member States on online public services and related administrative procedures.

What are the benefits of the Once Only Technical System

  • Less administrative burden – the citizen or company will not have to upload data more than once because the website manages to retrieve the information already provided; 
  • Cross-border communication – thanks to OOTS, a unique "data space" is created between the administrations that now dialogue with each other and have the opportunity to exchange documents without having to ask for additional bureaucratic efforts from citizens or businesses;  
  • Increased efficiency – it will be possible to optimise and re-use building blocks already made available to facilitate the delivery of digital public services across borders, while maintaining high levels of quality and performance also in the face of an increasing number of users;
  • Increased mobility – for students, citizens and workers, by simplifying cross-border online procedures, it will be easier to move to study, retire or invest in another EU country;
  • Personal data protection – OOTS is in line with the legislation on the protection of personal data. Specifically, OOTS will simplify procedures only at the explicit request of businesses and citizens.

For more information, see the dedicated website of the European Commission and the new portal The Once-Only Hub.

Single Digital Gateway
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