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Informing the Parliament

The Department for European Policies regularly informs the Italian Parliament of all EU projects of law, preparatory acts and amendments, as well as consultation documents such as green papers, white papers and communications.

This activity, provided for by Law 234/2012, is carried out twice a week, through in-house databases listing both legislative and non-legislative acts, on basis of the  EU Council’s Delegates’ portal.

Such documents are also forwarded to the “Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces”, the “Conference of Presidents of the legislative assemblies of Regions and Autonomous Provinces” and  the “State-Cities Conference”.

The Department is also in charge of biannual reporting to the Parliament (programmatic and final reports of activities). This action is targeted at improving the dialogue between the Government and the Parliament, so as to ensure a more systematic and effective participation of all institutional actors to  EU policies. Furthermore, the Department establishes quarterly reports on infringement procedures, targeted to inform the Parliament about pre-litigations, litigations and investigation procedures before the EU.

The Department also ensures the involvement of and the networking between central administrations in  the EU legislation building process. In particular, it provides reports and advice on EU projects of law that are then forwarded to the Parliament. The guidelines finally delivered by the Parliament to the Government are then sent back to such administrations for the follow-up.

This complex activity is controlled through in-house databases which feed both the interinstitutional coordination action and the yearly final reports. 

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