Governo italiano
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Fraud in the EU, Amendola: 349 million euros saved thanks to COLAF, top attention to Italy’s PNRR

22 April 2021

"Italy has 'recovered' almost €349 million up to January 2021 thanks to the action implemented by COLAF, the national Anti-Fraud Committee established within our Department. As many as 761 cases of irregularities were closed in agreement with the European Commission thanks to thorough and timely coordination by the Anti-Fraud Unit of the Guardia di Finanza, led by General Salvatore Tatta. From now on, everyone will pay utmost attention to the resources allocated by our National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) and the 2021-2027 multiannual budget. COLAF's work, in particular, will be up to its task in the delicate phase of managing Next Generation EU funds, also thanks to the new tools available, such as the PIAF platform, which allows for information interoperability relating to public and private beneficiaries of European funds”, the Undersecretary for European Affairs, Vincenzo Amendola, thus commented in the margins of the COLAF meeting held at the Department for European Policies

"Catone (Cooperation Agreements and Training on Objectives and New Experiences) is another important project involving COLAF, aimed at strengthening cooperation between the Italian Court of Auditors, the accounting and criminal prosecution offices of Portugal, Spain, France and Greece, and all European institutional actors.

PNRR , Next Generation EU
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