Esplora contenuti correlati

Unit for the relations with the Parliament and the European Court of Justice

Chief of Unit: Daria Provvidenza Petralia

+ 39 06.6779.5358

The unit is directly supervised by the Head of Department.

Main tasks

  • Running, in connection with the Avvocatura Generale dello Stato*, the actions necessary for the coherent and timely implementation of EU acts by public administrations, as well the action aimed at preventing disputes before the Court of Justice of the European Union, providing adequate defense of national positions in litigations, and fulfilling the decisions of the Court of Justice
  • Ensuring, in agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Avvocatura Generale dello Stato, supervision of litigations of national interest before the Court of Justice of the European Union and advice on whether to lodge complaints or participate in the proceedings before the Court for the protection of significant national interests
  • Providing analysis on Parliament's legislative activities, especially in EU matters in conjunction with the political authority responsible for European Affairs
  • Coordinating,  in cooperation with the other Department's offices, the drafting of annual reports to be transmitted to the Parliament and other institutional bodies
  • Preparing the Department's advice in the framework of the authorization procedure for the establishment of European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC)
  • Ensuring all activities related to the transmission of EU acts and "qualified" information to the Parliament, the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces and the Conference of Presidents of the legislative assemblies of Regions and Autonomous Provinces 
  • Ensuring transmission of EU acts to the Conference State-Cities and Local Authorities and to the National Council of the Economy and Labour (CNEL)

* The Avvocatura generale dello Stato is the State's legal organ in charge of providing legal advice and defense to central administrations and representing the State in any civil, criminal or administrative lawsuit. It is not charge of prosecution.


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