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EU Policies, the Department launches new website and Instagram profile

31 January 2018

The new institutional website of the Department for European Policies is available on line as from 31 January 2018 at

Redesigned in compliance with the guidelines developed by the “Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale” for the public administration, the new website allows more intuitive browsing for the access to information and fits any device (pc, smartphone, tablet).

Not only layout and browsing but also contents are renovated:  you will find further insights, an online information desk with a satisfaction questionnaire, a social wall relaunching social media communication in real time, as well as a foreground tagbar reporting all breaking news on the Italian participation to the European process. The new platform also allows geolocation of events and parallel browsing on the Italian,  French and English version of the website.

The Department is also launching its Instagram profile @politicheeuropee where pictures and images are meant to show activities, events and meetings with students, as well as major opportunities offered by the EU.

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