Cooperation agreement between the Department for European Policies and Punto Europa Consorzio

17 February 2022

On 17 February 2022, the Department for European Policies and Punto Europa Consorzio (in charge of managing Abruzzo’s Europe Direct, the Commission's official centre for communication and information on European Union issues) signed a collaboration agreement aimed at organising a public meeting in Teramo dedicated to the Conference on the Future of Europe. In the photograph, Diana Agosti, Head of the Department for European Policies, and Filippo Lucci, Sole Director of Consorzio Punto Europa. 

The event, titled "Incontriamoci a Teramo" (Let’s meet in Teramo) will consist of an introductory session involving political authorities and institutions’ representatives, and a seminar session to allow students to interact with the event’s keynote speakers and discuss those issues that are most relevant both to them and to the territory.

Contributions from the debate will be promptly posted on the European Commission's multilingual digital platform.

The Department for European Policies is committed to ensuring maximum visibility to the event on its institutional website and social media channels.

Conference on the Future of Europe , Let’s meet in
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