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Accepting or rejecting an application

The national authority examining the application for recognition of a professional qualification must close the investigation with a duly reasoned decision as soon as possible and, in any event, within four months of receipt of all evidence from the applicant. Upon request, the Authority may:

  • grant recognition;
  • submit recognition to compensation measures in case of substantial differences between the applicant's training and Italian training or between the professional activities pursued in the country of origin and those pursued for the same profession in Italy, which cannot be compensated for by professional experience and/or additional training;
  • accogliere la domanda previo superamento di misure compensative, quando esistono differenze sostanziali nella durata o nelle materie relative alla formazione posseduta rispetto a quella italiana;
  • reject the application if there is no correspondence between the profession practised in the country of origin and the regulated profession in Italy or if the requirements are not met.
Recognition of professional qualifications
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