Governo italiano
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Interministerial Committee on European Affairs

5 July 2018

Meeting for the first time today, the Interministerial Committee on European Affairs (CIAE in original Italian), the body required by Italian Law 234/2012, was chaired by the Minister for European Affairs, Paolo Savona, and attended by Deputy Prime Ministers Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio and the Ministers: Giovanni Tria, Minister of Economy and Finances; Gian Marco Centinaio, Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies; Danilo Toninelli, Minister of Infrastructures and Transports; Riccardo Fraccaro, Minister for Parliamentary Relations and Direct Democracy; Giulia Bongiorno, Minister of Public Administration; and Erika Stefani, Minister of Regional Affairs and Autonomies.

The Minister Paolo Savona presented the topics that would be submitted to the European Union Policy Committees of the two chambers of Parliament, which will meet in session on 10 July.

Following an in-depth discussion, the participants voted unanimously to undertake initiatives that will allow for a close connection between the institutional architecture and the policies of stability and growth. These must be acted upon if the common market and the Euro are to survive the plan of political consensus, which thrives on the growth of the economic and social well-being of the Member States.

Particular emphasis was placed on the importance of ensuring public investments are made with the twin objectives of increasing the current unsatisfactory real growth rate and beginning to remove existing dualities of productivity that weaken socio-economic development and the very efficacy of the common monetary policy.

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