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Education and training in non-EU countries -Professions with a special structure and similar qualifications

European citizens holders of a professional qualification from a non-EU State who have obtained recognition of such qualification by the Italian Authority, must - in the sole case of a health profession - enrol in the relevant professional register, where one exists, within two years of the date  of the decree recognising the qualification. Once this period elapsed, the decree of recognition loses its effectiveness.

In the case of professions not incorporated into professional  registers, the recognition decree loses its effectiveness if the professional does not use such recognition for work purposes for a period of two years from the date of issue.

In order to pursue 'special structure' professions (covered by the former Annex II to Directive 2005/36/EC, repealed by the new Directive 2013/55/EU), European citizens must hold a certificate from the EU member State of origin stating the equivalence of the training and experience gained by the professional with the level of qualification required by the legislation (Article 11, point c, point i of Directive 2005/36/EC), i.e., post-secondary level training  of at least one year or of equivalent duration if matured in part-time mode.

It is also possible to apply for recognition of similar qualifications. Evidence of formal qualifications is  meant as any evidence of formal qualifications or set of evidence of formal qualifications issued by a competent authority in the State of origin which certifies successful completion of training acquired in the EU within or outside formal programmes, which is recognised by that State as being of equivalent level and which confers on the holder the same rights of access or practice (or preparation for practice) as the profession the recognition of which is sought in Italy.

Recognition of professional qualifications
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